About you

Are you an international student?*

This service is only for international students staying in Massey student accommodation. Please find other means of transport.

Are you staying at Massey Halls Auckland, Te Ōhanga Village, in Albany, Auckland?*

This service is only for international students staying in Massey student accommodation. Please find other means of transport.

Enter your first name or given name
Enter your last name or family name

Contact details

Enter your mobile or cellphone number in full international format, like +64 21 148 3220

Enter your email address in format: yourname@example.com

Arrival details

Date of arrival at Auckland airport (select day, month, year)*
Time of arrival at Auckland airport (24-hour clock)*
What terminal are you arriving at?*
Is there anything you would like us to know to prepare for meeting you at the airport?

Privacy Disclosure Statement

This information is being collected to book and facilitate your pick-up from Auckland airport and as strictly necessary only, to meet our other Purposes and Legitimate Interests set out in our Privacy Statement. We may be unable to process your booking if you choose not to supply any information noted as mandatory. Your information will be held securely and processed in accordance with our Privacy Statement. Your information will be shared with our agent Campus Living Villages and necessary details to facilitate your pick-up will be shared with our airport collection agents. If you would like to access or correct your information please contact us at privacy.officer@massey.ac.nz. If you are submitting this form from the European Union or United Kingdom, please also note the additional information relevant to you in our Privacy Statement.