About you

Enter your first name or given name
Enter your last name or family name
Enter your student or staff ID as a number

Contact details

Enter your email address in format: yourname@example.com
Telling us where you usually live helps us understand more about your application
What is your address when you are studying?
Name of student hall
Select your student hall

Study information

Giving us the name and code for your course helps us understand your likely study workload
Are you studying part-time or full-time?
Select your study type. Full-time students are more likely to be accepted.
How many years have you been studying?

Your horse or horses

How many horses do you want to bring?

Horse 1

Telling us about your horse helps us understand more about what might suit them best and helps us to manage the paddocks.

Is your horse a gelding or mare?
Enter your horse's height in hh
Does your horse need a stable?
Select what your horse needs. A stable and turnout paddock is more expensive than just a paddock.
Tell us, for example, if your horse performs better when not on grass or needs to be kept out of the paddock in certain conditions
Tell us, for example, whether your horse likes the company of other horses or gets lonely or grumpy

Horse 2

Is your horse a gelding or mare?
Enter your horse's height in hh
Does your horse need a stable?
Select what your horse needs. A stable and turnout paddock is more expensive than just a paddock.
Tell us, for example, if your horse performs better when not on grass or needs to be kept out of the paddock in certain conditions
Tell us, for example, whether your horse likes the company of other horses or gets lonely or grumpy

Horse 3

Is your horse a gelding or mare?
Enter your horse's height in hh
Does your horse need a stable?
Select what your horse needs. A stable and turnout paddock is more expensive than just a paddock.
Tell us, for example, if your horse performs better when not on grass or needs to be kept out of the paddock in certain conditions
Tell us, for example, whether your horse likes the company of other horses or gets lonely or grumpy

You and your horse

Telling us about your riding helps us understand more about why you want to board your horse at the Equestrian Centre.

How often do you ride?
Have you grazed a horse with us before?
How long do you want to graze your horse or horses with us?
Select all that apply. Use other to tell us if you want to board your horse outside the university semesters, or bring more than one horse and graze them at different times or for different periods of time.
Do you take part in equestrian competitions?
For example, tell us about any competition goals you have or how riding helps your mental wellbeing

Additional information

Tell us about anything else that we may find useful when looking at your application

Statement of understanding

If my application to graze my horse at Massey University Equestrian Centre is accepted, I understand that:*

Privacy and confidentiality

This information is being collected to assess your application to board your horse at the Massey University Equestrian Centre on the Manawatū (Palmerston North) campus and as strictly necessary only, to meet our other Purposes and Legitimate Interests set out in our Privacy Statement. We may be unable to process your application if you choose not to supply any information noted as mandatory. Your information will be held securely and processed in accordance with our Privacy Statement. If you would like to access or correct  your information please contact us at privacy.officer@massey.ac.nz. If you are submitting this form from the European Union or United Kingdom, please also note the additional information relevant to you in our Privacy Statement.